“This past weekend, the Club Race at VIR, hosted by the Tarheel Chapter, had the largest Spec E36 turnout in history with 11 cars making up 1/4 of the entire race field. The Spec e36 class is a fun but highly competitive class with a tightly specific level of preparation...
Archive for category: Uncategorized
Impact Racing Decertification by SFI.pdf Update – Impact Product Decertification.pdf
2010 National Events
2010 National Events NORTH ATLANTIC: Club Racing at New Jersey Motorsport Park August 13-15, 2010 Delaware Valley Chapter SOUTH ATLANTIC: Club Racing at Roebling Road December 11-12, 2010 Tarheel Chapter NORTH CENTRAL Club Racing at Mid Ohio May 29-30, 2010 Northern Ohio Chapter SOUTH CENTRAL Club...
2009 National Champions
2009 National Champions BM: Nerces Mavelian CM: Peter Carroll DM: Brett Strom HP: Rolando Saldana HS: Ralph Warren IP: Bill Heumann IS: Charles Benoit JP: David White JS: David Hellman KP: John Negus SpE36: Jason Briedis
Club Racing starts off the New Year with new Chairman
January 1, 2010 marks the start of the new racing season with Gary Davis taking over as BMW CCA Club Racing Chairman. Gary is an experienced racer who has served Club Racing most recently as the North Central Region Representative to the Racers Advisory Committee. Outgoing Interim Chairman Scott...
BMW CCA Club Racing Series 2010 Rules have been finalized
The Tire Rack BMW CCA Club Racing Series 2010 Rules have been finalized and are posted on the BMW CCA Club Racing Web site. They become effective on January 1, 2010. They may be viewed or downloaded from the General Information – For the Racer section. Serving on the...
BMW CCA Selects Gary Davis as the New Club Racing Chairman
The BMW Car Club of America, Inc. (BMW CCA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Gary L. Davis as Chairman of BMW CCA Club Racing. Gary’s term will be effective January 1, 2010, when he takes over from Interim Chairman Scott Blazey. Gary has been a member...
Rules Committee Releases Proposed 2010 Rules for Racer Comments
The Proposed 2010 BMW CCA Club Racing Rules are on the Club Web site, available to racers to read and comment upon. “The Rules Committee has been working steadily to consider all the submitted rule change requests,” said Interim Chairman Scott Blazey. “We have also proposed a few procedural...
Proposed 2010 Rules Almost Ready for Racer Comments
The proposed 2010 Rules have been drafted. The Rules Committee will meet by conference call within the next few days to review the changes, then the proposed 2010 Rule Book will be posted on the Club Racing Web site. Racers will be given a period of time to comment...
Message from the Interim Chairman
I am honored to have been asked by the National Board to help with BMW CCA Club Racing until they conclude their search for the next Chairperson. I am pleased to be able to contribute to this program, for if it weren’t for Club Racing and all the volunteers...