Toyo Tire- Contingency Sponsor for the SpecE36 class

Tire Rack BMW CCA Club Racing is proud to announce that Toyo Tire will be joining Club Racing’s 20th year as a contingency sponsor for the SpecE36 class. Toyo will be awarding Toyo Bucks for select finishing places in the SpecE36 class with the following conditions:

  • At least 3 cars starting; Toyo Bucks awarded through 2nd place.
  • At least 5 cars starting; Toyo Bucks awarded through 4th place.
  • Values vary and increase substantially for larger fields.
  • There will be two designated Toyo Bucks paying races per race weekend.

Toyo Bucks are redeemable like cash with authorized Toyo Tires Motorsports dealers. The contingency will cover all sanctioned race weekends on the Club Race calendar. No preregistration is required, but racers must comply with the documented eligibility requirements, including decals and equipment. Eligibility requirements, Toyo Buck reward levels, claims forms and redemption instructions will be posted on the SpeE36 page of the Club Racing website. The link will also be posted on the contingency sponsor page of the CR website.

Thanks to Tom Tice and the SpecE36 committee for securing this important tire contingency.

Gary Davis

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