Counterfeit devices have been obtained by Simpson Performance Products and the matter is under investigation. If you have a non-carbon head and neck restraint device labeled Hutchens Hybrid Pro with a 2013 SFI 38.1 label, this device may not be genuine. If this device does not have “box X” stitching on the tethers, it is not genuine. See the pictures below. There are other differences between the counterfeit device and a genuine device that trained inspectors can identify. If you suspect that you have such a device and you are currently attending a racing event, immediately present the device to technical officials at the event. Or, present the device to Simpson Performance personnel at the event. If you are not at an event, contact Simpson at one of the phone numbers listed at as soon as possible. Warning: usage of any device that is counterfeit and does not have appropriate SFI labeling could result in serious injury or death.



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