SFI standards and the expiration date

At the 2010 Steward Workshop in Dallas, one topic of discussion was the discrepancy between the 2010 CR Racing Rules and the SFI standards with regards to expiration dates for belts and safety nets (window and inside). The consensus was that our standards need the align with the SFI standards, which have been in effect for the past 25 years. This information was forwarded to all racers in an e-mail from the CR Chairman in March of 2010. Effective immediately, the CR safety standards will align with SFI standards and the expiration date for belts and safety nets will be 2 years from the date of production as stamped on the product label instead of at the end of the calendar year of the second year. Racers who present to an event with expired safety equipment will not be allowed to participate in the event. There will be a mid-season rules change reflecting this new safety standard as well

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