Proposed 2008 Rules Available for Comment

The rule change process continues to move forward for the 2008 update. Racers input were accepted from 1 June until 1 July. The rules committee has spent many hours as have the Racers Advisor Committee carefully considering the 76 unique change requests submitted by 91 separate individuals. 

The changes submitted ranged from simple enhancements to wording to new classification proposals. While all were considered, not all were recommended for adoption by the RAC or the rules committee.

The proposed 2008 rules are now available for comment until 1 September.  The items highlighted in green are clarifications that have been issued while those in yellow are new.(

There were some significant items associated with the SpecE36 class that were suggested. The rules committee has recommended some of the items and has formed a team to further examine changes to the specification. These changes may be introduced at a later date using the mid-year rules change process.

Your response to the racers survey has been outstanding with 212 responses as of this writing. The survey will remain open for another week when the summary results will be posted on the web site. The Racers Advisory Committee and the Rules Committee will then evaluate your input and determine if the points system should be changed for the 2008 season via the mid-year rules change process.

Your comments should be directed to the Forums contained on the BMW CCA Club Racing web site. These official forums of Club Racing will be monitored by the Racers Advisory Committee who are your communication channel to and from the Rules Committee.

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