Katie Chulkas named BMW CCA Club Racing License Administrator

Please see the announcement details below from Heather Tollison at the BMW CCA National Office.

Katie can be reached by phone on her direct dial number, 864-558-5936, and by email at kchulkas@bmwcca.org


As some you may already know, Nicole Harris’s last day with the Club was 08/06. We are very grateful for all the contributions that she has made to the organization and to the BMW CCA Cub Racing program, and we wish her all the best on her next venture.

We are excited to announce that Katie Chulkas has stepped into the role of Club Racing Licensing Administrator. Many of you may already know Katie as she has been a part of the BMW CCA National Office staff since summer of 2019. She was initially placed with us on a temporary basis while we prepared for the 50th anniversary of the club, but we quickly realized what an asset she is to our team and brought her on permanently in Membership Services. I know she looks forward to supporting our racer community in her new role.

Please join me in providing a warm welcome for Katie!

Best regards,

Heather Tollison | Director of Financial Operations

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