CR Chairman Announcement

– David McIntyre, Chairman of the BMW Car Club of America’s Club Racing program since December, 2005, announced that he is stepping down from the program’s top spot. He remained enthusiastic about the Chairman’s position and the program but cited personal and professional demands on his time that precluded him from devoting the hours he would like to the Chairman’s duties. The BMW CCA Board of Directors, which appoints the program’s volunteer chairperson, understands the magnitude of the time commitment required of the position and is grateful for David’s contribution over the 2006 and 2007 racing seasons. The Board expressed its sincere appreciation and thanks for the excellent job David has done as Chairman, and is very pleased that David will be remaining with Club Racing as the Sponsorship Director.

The Board also announced the appointment of long-time Club Racing official Michael Mills to succeed Mr. McIntyre as Chairman of BMW CCA Club Racing. Mike is one of the most experienced competition stewards in the program. He has served before at the national level, most recently as National Competition Steward, in addition to an impressive stint as Acting Club Racing Chairman in 2005. In addition to his volunteer service in Club Racing Mike has also served with great success as President of the Club’s Golden Gate Chapter, one of the largest chapters in the country. Outgoing Club Racing Chairman David Mcintyre expressed his support of the selection and said he was very pleased to be handing over the program’s reins to someone of Mike’s caliber. As Chairman of Club Racing, Mike brings a desire to maintain the program’s high standards of safety, driver skill, equipment preservation, and especially the club spirit of camaraderie that has made the program one that is exciting in which to compete and satisfying for the racers, officials, organizers, and fans.

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