BMW CCA looking for a new Club Racing Manager

Recently, the Board reluctantly accepted the resignation of Mike Mills as Club Racing Chairman.  During Mike’s term Club Racing has thrived even during tough economic times. On behalf of the membership the Board thanks Mike for his stewardship of Club Racing and contributions to a very important BMW CCA program.


The Board is now seeking a leader and manager with an understanding of, and a passion for, BMW CCA Club Racing and its unique mission as a program within BMW CCA to provide a safe, fair, and fun venue for BMW CCA members to race their cars. This is a BMW CCA National Service Officer position, which is voluntary in nature and reports to the BMW CCA Board of Directors.


The candidate must understand the functions of a membership organization. Duties include strategic planning, program development and implementation, membership growth and development, marketing and sponsorship, staff development and supervision, venue and race opportunity development, budget development and fiscal management. This is primarily a management position. The operational elements of these areas may be handled by individuals in related staff positions.


We seek an energetic individual with demonstrated implementation, interpersonal, and communications skills to continue to grow BMW CCA Club Racing in partnership with our chapters, racers, sponsors, the Club Racing staff, the BMW CCA National Board, and other stakeholders.


Management level experience in a business or not-for-profit organization is highly desirable. This individual should have the appropriate skills and presence to work in an effective and collaborative manner. The position requires excellent skills in oral and written communications, advocacy, staff management, conflict resolution, and public relations. Experience as a race car driver or race sanctioning body official can be valuable, as can prior experience dealing with motorsports organizations, sanctioning bodies, and potential sponsors.


This job involves a significant amount of volunteer time, a lot of work, and the potential for controversy. However, for the individual who is able to take control, build an effective team, maintain high standards of professionalism, and work well with all of the various stakeholders, it can be tremendously rewarding.


If you would like to be considered for the position, please submit in writing your name, an explanation of what you can bring to the position, and if available, a resume, to the BMW CCA National Office no later than Friday, September 18, 2009.


It is possible that there exists a qualified individual who may consider the position but is not aware that a search is underway or that there is a deadline. If you know of such an individual that you can recommend, please contact the National Office as soon as possible.


National Office telephone: (864) 250-0022, fax: (864) 250-0038; or e- mail:


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