BMW Time Trials(BMW-TT) event offers a driver a competitive step up from driving school event,
instructing, and Auto-X, but falls short of all out club racing. A driver can use the same car and tech
preparation used during the driving school (HPDE). Extra safety equipment is always encouraged, but
not required.
BMW-TT is open to A-Solo and A group students (with approval) and all driving school instructors.
Drivers can also participate from other organizations such as SCCA, NASA and PCA if they have the
required driving skill. Each driver will be screened before being accepted into the rungroup for the
necessary solo driving skills.
The art of a successful run at time trials is to find a spot on the track where you are not impeded by other
traffic, and then to run your smoothest lap. Each participant tests their skills against the track, and by so
doing, each time trial participant is compared to their fellow participants by using a transponder on each
car. It is you against the clock. Typically, drivers get 4 sessions per day. Time Trial cars are gridded by
time in the previous session and are assigned a specific grid position. It’s all about your single fastest
lap in a session.
Typically, there will be three basic car classifications at BMW-TT events: M-car, Non-M car and NonBMW. The event might have a sub classification of Street tires vs R-Compound tires. The goal is to keep
classes to a very basic set, and encourage fun rather than too much competition. Note: BMW chassis cars
with non BMW motor will be placed in a Non-BMW class.
AMB/ MyLaps TranX260 or X2 transponders are required to run in a BMW-TT event. Transponder
rentals should be available if the driver does not own one.
Any questions? Please contact the Time Trials Director Gary Bohn at Gary.Bohn@comcast.net